New TAMS Grant for ALL Farmers Makes Financial Sense


New Announcement

Last week, the minister unveiled a groundbreaking initiative: a fresh wave of grants under the revamped Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS). This initiative represents a substantial €10 million investment in efficient and renewable energy technologies.

Following a comprehensive review of TAMS, aimed at enhancing its focus on sustainability, the new grants have been introduced.

With the rollout of the amended TAMS grant scheme, Irish farmers can now access support of up to 60%. This, combined with the provision of 100% accelerated capital allowances in the year of purchase, makes it an opportune time to consider solar solutions.

Driving Farm Efficiency with Solar Panels

But how exactly do solar panels contribute to energy efficiency and reduce electricity consumption on farms?

The newly announced farm grants target solar panels that produce electricity, known as solar photovoltaic (PV) modules.

Solar PV panels generate renewable electricity, effectively reducing the amount of electricity farmers need to purchase from their suppliers.

Moreover, the installation process for solar PV systems is remarkably straightforward, often completed within a single day, particularly under the existing grant scheme for solar PV panels on dwelling houses.

Availability of Solar Panel Grants for All Farms – Are these solar panel grants available to all farms?

Absolutely! The latest announcement extends the current TAMS grants for solar panels, previously limited to buildings used for pig, poultry, or egg production, to encompass all farming sectors.

How to Apply for the TAMS Grant

According to the Department of Agriculture, applications for TAMS II must be made online, as manual applications by post, fax, and email will not be accepted.

Farmers considering applying for this scheme will require access to the Department’s online services before applying for any of the schemes available under TAMS II. Applications can be conveniently submitted via

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