New Microgeneration Scheme Announced to Sell Electricity into the Grid


The Microgeneration Scheme, led by Minister for the Environment, marks a significant stride towards a greener future for Ireland. Designed to enable individuals, farmers, businesses, and community groups to contribute to the nation’s renewable energy grid. This initiative promises a fair market for locally generated renewable electricity.

Empowering Communities and Citizens

At its core, the MSS aims to foster the ‘renewables self-consumer’ model, empowering communities and citizens to actively participate in Ireland’s transition to a net-zero carbon economy. Minister Ryan highlights the scheme’s potential. “This scheme will allow people and communities to become active participants in the energy transition.”

A Sustainable Future for All

Micro-generators will harness renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, to meet their own consumption needs. While also having the opportunity to sell surplus electricity back to the grid. The scheme prioritises equity in support distribution and ensures compliance with minimum energy efficiency standards for participating properties.

Have Your Say: Participate in the Consultation

To shape the Microgeneration scheme’s implementation and foster citizen involvement, a public consultation is underway until 18 February 2021. Stakeholders are encouraged to share their insights and recommendations to enhance the scheme’s effectiveness and accessibility.

Join the Conversation

Engage in the consultation process by submitting your feedback to Include your entity or individual details, address, email address, and specific suggestions for improving scheme deliverability. Your contribution will play a vital role in shaping Ireland’s sustainable energy future.

Following consideration of submissions, a final design will be submitted for Government approval, with implementation targeted for July 2021. Further details and documents are available at

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